Tag Archives: Cessna 172
Flying Over the Ruth Glacier
My dad had his first visit to Alaska last weekend, and since he’s a pilot too, I took him flying. Being from Ohio, he’s never seen mountains or glaciers like we have here, so it was pretty special to take … Continue reading
Practice Landings on a Gravel Strip
Aircraft: C172 N13205 Flight Time: 1.2 hours Total Hours: 39.2 After flying less than perfect patters at Birchwood the other day, I felt I needed more practice landing at non-towered airports where I don’t have familiar visual cues to guide … Continue reading
Lesson 9: Landing the Airplane
Aircraft: C172 N52654 Flight Time: 1.0 hours Total Hours: 9.3 A breakthrough lesson for me today, I’m finally getting a feel for landing the airplane! We did 10 more touch and go’s, and aside from one go around, I performed really … Continue reading
Lesson 3: Climbing and Descending Turns, More Touch and Go’s
Aircraft: C172 N52654 Flight Time: 1 hour Total Hours: 2.6 It was a beautiful, clear, cold morning yesterday, so I called over to the airport and scheduled for a noon lesson with Mark. By the time twelve o’clock rolled around, though, a cloud … Continue reading