Category Archives: cross country
50 More Hours and My First Ski Landings
With so much other stuff going on, I haven’t updated my flying blog in quite a long time. That doesn’t mean that I haven’t been flying, though, in fact I have over 150 hours in my logbook now. I’ve learned … Continue reading
Flying Grids Over Unfamiliar Terrain
I’m currently training to become a Mission Pilot with the Alaska Civil Air Patrol. Essentially, they’re the ones who fly the planes during search and rescue missions, and since the entire crew depends on them for the safety of the … Continue reading
Lesson 23: Long Solo Cross Country to Homer
Aircraft: C172 N52654 Flight Time: 3.2 hours Total Hours: 33.9 I’d been looking forward to my long cross country. In some ways, it’s the culmination of my flight instruction and the real test of my piloting skills. The requirement is to … Continue reading
Lesson 22: Solo Cross Country to Soldotna
Aircraft: C172 N52654 Flight Time: 2.0 hours Total Hours: 29.6 I’m approaching 30 hours now, and looking forward towards my private pilot checkride, which at the current pace, should be sometime in April. As I make each new entry in my … Continue reading