I’m excited to announce that my new album, “Up Higher,” is now available for streaming and purchase on all the big music sites, like Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon Music, Pandora, YouTube Music, and more.
This means you can put it on one of your playlists and rock out to Dan Bailey guitar music anytime you want!
Writing and releasing an entire album was a huge momentous creative accomplishment for me, and it just blows my mind that I’m able to get it out for mass distribution like this. What a brave new world we live in.
So, stream away to your heart’s content, and be sure to share my music with your own friends and followers. And if you want to throw a little more support my way, since streaming doesn’t exactly rake in the gold for small independent artists, you can purchase the album on my Bandcamp Artist Page, or hit this little blue “buy” link below.
Either way, thanks so much for your support and your interest in my music. I’m so proud of how this project turned out and I’m excited to get it out to the world. I hope you enjoy it!
Visit this page to see all of the places where you can listen to and purchase my music.