Fly out to Katmai or Lake Clark National Park and photograph coastal Alaska brown bears in their natural habitat.
Enjoy a half-day or full-day custom tour to photograph Alaska brown bears in Lake Clark National Park or the famed Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park. Not only do you get to view and photograph the bears from a relatively close vantage point and watch them interact in their natural, wild environments, you’ll have a private photo guide who will help you get the best possible photos from your trip.
Your day will begin with a 60-90 minute air taxi bush flight over the cook inlet, with spectacular views of the rugged Neacola Mountains, and two massive volcanos, Mt. Redoubt and Mt. Iliamna. After landing on the lake or the beach, depending on the location, you’ll receive a short orientation about the area, meet up with your naturalist guide, and then have a few hours to explore and photograph the area and watch the wildlife before flying back to Anchorage.
Ideal viewing locations provide excellent opportunities to capture world-class photos of these amazing animals as they dig for clams, wander in the green coastal meadows and fish for salmon.
Every trip brings a unique set of viewing experiences; there’s a good chancel you’ll see a mama and cubs, young bears frolicking and playing together as well as full grown, dominant males who weigh close to 1,000 lbs. These are the same locations the top professionals visit when they photograph bears in Alaska, and you’ll have the very same access and potential photo-ops.
My custom bear photo tours are run exclusively on special request from mid-May through mid-September.
Please contact me for pricing and availability.