Remember the glory days of stock? If you didn’t experience them first hand, you’ve probably heard stories about those golden years of the stock photography business. Photographers would dump their assignment outtakes into an agency and then watch the monthly checks roll in, which allowed them to earn a second income from their work. Then, as the industry progressed, photographers began shooting images specifically for stock and the money increased, allowing some prolific shooters to earn a healthy living on stock alone. For those photographers, like myself, who got into the business right at the tail end of that memorable era, we all hoped that we too could just land ourselves an agency contract, and then follow that road all the way to retirement.

Only it didn’t quite happen that way, and now the state of the industry has many photographers either too frustrated and confused to jump into the fray, or filled with false ideas that hark back more to the past than the present. While it’s true that the industry resembles almost nothing of its former self, it has actually weathered a very dynamic process of evolution, one that, nonetheless, still holds promise for photographers.

So, what did happen to the industry? The same thing that happened to every other business model in the last decade: acquisitions, consolidations, and the coming of the digital age. Today we live in a world of big box stores and online shopping, and just as the number of corner bookshops and mom and pop hardware stores has declined, so has the number of the independently owned stock agencies. These days, the thick, beautiful, catalogs that art directors used to flip through when shopping for imagery have been replaced by online versions that are accessible to photo buyers worldwide. And just as photographers have moved to digital imaging, so have the agencies. The era of licensing and shipping 35mm slides to clients is quickly drawing to a close.

The digital revolution began eleven years ago when Nathan Benn created Picture Network International (PNI). He partnered with a number of agencies and offered their images for sale online through service. Around the same time, Kodak began a similar venture, called Kodak Picture Service, and by the end of the 90’s, Internet marketing became standard practice for most agencies. Today, many stock houses operate entirely from digital archives, and with the increasing number of photographers moving to from film to digital, this is certainly the future of the industry.

Then came the acquisitions. In the mid 90’s Getty Images began buying a number of other agencies, including renowned houses such as Allsport, Tony Stone and The Image Bank. When Bill Gates decided that he wanted a piece of the industry, he formed Corbis and went on his own spending spree, gobbling up companies such as Westlight, Sharpshooters and The Stock Market, as well as PNI. Corbis quickly became the world’s second largest image and media provider. Today, over 100 million images, (45 percent of the market,) are represented by Getty and Corbis, including the National Geographic collection, Time Life Pictures, Reuters and Photonica. The number three spot is currently held by Jupiter Images, while many of the prestigious agencies of the past, like Profiles West and Tony Stone are either gone or exist only as a brand name on Getty’s website.

Has this mass consolidation been good for photographers? There are certainly advantages and disadvantages to being with a giant agency. While the big boys offer massive exposure for your imagery, you are in the company of thousands of other photographers, which can potentially leave you lost like a small fish in a very big sea. Of course, as with any agency, it’s all a numbers game; the more images you have on file, the more likely you are to make money. Alamy, a privately owned online agency based in London that does well in the editorial market, has recently passed the ten million image mark. Although some contributors complain that the sheer size of the agency has hurt their sales figures, others report that they are still making a regular and sizeable income from the agency.

Perhaps the biggest shake up of the stock industry came in 2001 when Getty changed the commission rate, which had held at a sacred 50/50 split for years. Citing the increased cost of digital archiving and marketing, they rewrote their contributor contract and specified new terms of 60/40. Photographers were left stunned by this move, though most chose to accept the reduced rate over the alternative of being cut loose and having to start from scratch with a new agency. Neither option appealed much to those photographers with years of experience and huge agency files. In time, however, most agencies followed suit and soon 50/50 became the exception rather than the norm.

In response to this, and other concerns, a number of new agencies sprung up. Many were started by former editors and owners of defunct agencies, and they targeted photographers who were unhappy with their Getty and Corbis contracts. Some have done well, while others struggled in the post 9/11 economy and were either bought out or folded. One such agency was Solus Images, who went after the high end market by pushing the envelope of creativity with their imagery. They quickly built up a distinctive collection, and after a few years, sold themselves to Veer, a company that had weathered numerous acquisitions over the years. Starting as Image Club Graphics, they were bought and sold by Adobe Systems, reformed as EyeWire, who was then bought by Getty, who rolled it into other Getty brands. When the EyeWire staff was let go, they reformed as Veer and marketed heavily to the high end creative community. This month, Veer was acquired by Corbis.

Nearly every agency has pushed more heavily into Royalty Free (RF) and subscription based services these days in an attempt to cash in on the low end markets. The result? Commission statements filled with sales of anywhere from a few pennies to a few dollars per image. This may not add up to much for a low volume shooter, but when multiplied by a few thousand photographers, it makes decent money for the agencies. With volume sales becoming a crucial part in the overall strategy of most agencies, these small commissions play an important role in their bottom line.

However, some view this trend as potentially reducing the value of quality imagery within the industry. It takes talent and effort to produce good photographs and many photographers would prefer to keep the perceived value of their work as possible, even if it means losing a few sales. Agencies argue that the Royalty Free and traditional Rights Managed (RM) markets do not overlap and insist that RF sales have only increased the potential for sales where none previously existed.

Not everyone agrees, but there is no doubt that RF is here to stay, and even though the quality of RF imagery has increased over time, the market has leveled itself out as photo buyers continue to recognize the value of RM licensing. Most agencies allow contributors to choose whether an image gets marketed as RF or remains RM. Some agencies even offer work-for-hire assignments in which the photographer gets paid up front but sees no future income from the images they produce. The bottom line is that there is money to be made with RF, and many photographers view it as a legitimate source of income for a certain segment of their work.

The latest stock photo model that has emerged is “microstock,” which is essentially selling stock photos for prices that range from pennies to just a few dollars. The model seeks to capture the lowest end of the market, although we are certainly seeing microstock uses that would have previously been tiered as RF, or even RM, the jury is still out on how microstock will affect the industry in the long run. Again, with such a wide range of needs in the photo buying market, perhaps the microstock concept will only further serve to separate the quality of available imagery into three distinct markets. Recognizing the potential of microstock, Getty purchased the largest microstock company, iStockphoto for $50M in 1996 and positions it right alongside the rest of their brands.

Despite the huge changes to the industry and widely varying opinions, photographers are still making money with agencies. According to recent surveys, many photographers’ agency incomes are actually rising. This is likely due to increased exposure and growing international sales, both results of the expanding technology. While intense competition has driven RM prices down somewhat, RF pricing has generally come up, having matured into a multi tier system that’s based on file size of the purchased image. Current RF prices on many agency sites average between $100-400.

As has always been the case, the best strategy for photographers is simply to build a growing file of diverse imagery with one or more agencies, depending on how much work you can produce, and a good relationship with your editor(s). A good editor can help you increase your sales potential by offering suggestions on how to shoot more marketable imagery. And with non-Corbis and Getty agencies currently holding 55% of the market, there are still many options to choose from when shopping for an agency. Of course, in this day and age, regardless of whom you begin with, it is likely that you will end up being acquired into one of the big agencies at some point anyway.

My own journey through the stock industry began with Light Sources, a small company in Boston that was purchased by Index Stock. When I later left Index, I got in with Solus just as they were beginning. Six years later, as Solus has gone from an independent to a Veer brand, and now a Corbis Brand, I have picked up yet another agency: Photo Library, a large Australian company who recently entered the US market by acquiring a number of other agencies, including Index. The ironic thing about this move is that my current editor at Photo Library is the same editor that I when I originally started with Solus.

It always feels good to reminisce about the glory days and sometimes it’s easy to pine for the nostalgia of an age gone by, but the smart choice with stock is to accept that the future has arrived and look forward, not back. With the increased level of marketing, and a worldwide customer based that operates almost exclusively online, there is still plenty of money to be made for photographers who are willing to adapt to the new business models and produce the kinds of high quality work that photo buyers demand. Some may need to evolve their own businesses to suit the new economy, but as with any other industry today, those who do will find that they can survive, and even profit from their efforts.

(A version of this article first appeared in the July/August 2006 issue of Digital Photo Pro Magazine.

November 12, 2007
See this post
“The State of Stock,” an article about the stock photo industry by Dan Bailey

Another stock agency gobbled up…

Today, Corbis announced the acquisition of Veer, a provider of visual elements and design-related products. The partnership brings together the second and fourth largest players in the global stock photography industry. The deal is expected to accelerate the growth of the the Veer brand, which already has strong recognition and appeal within the creative community, and to increase Veer’s exposure into markets around the world. Corbis plans to use the strength of the Veer brand to further increase their own brand and marketing capabilities in the North American advertising and design markets.

Corbis will maintain Veer as an independent brand with largely autonomous operations. Founded in 2002, Veer is based in Calgary, Canada with offices in New York, Berlin and Düsseldorf, and employs 170 people. The company is well known to creatives for its cool image and markting strategies, and for it’s great website, as well as for its line of innovative, graphic design related merchanise that they sell and offer to customers who make large purchases.

The move will give Corbis more strength to compete with it’s main rival, Getty Images, who reportadly generates three times as much income as Corbis each year in the $2 billion worldwide stock photography market.

Read the offical press release.

November 6, 2007
See this post
Stock Photo News: Corbis acquires Veer

Flamenco Dancer, Andalucia, Spain Flamenco Dancer, Andalucia, Spain Flamenco Dancer, Andalucia, Spain Flamenco Dancer, Andalucia, Spain

As a photographer, I’m fascinated by the confident beauty and graceful motion of flamenco dancers as they stamp, clap and move to this music. As guitar player, I have a longtime fascination with the passion and rhythmic excitement of flamenco music. I’ve been to Spain twice and have spent a great deal of my time there searching out the best flamenco bars and listening to and watching some amazing performances. After each trip, I return even more energized to pick up my own flamenco guitar and practice harder in my lifelong journey to master this amazing form of music; or at least to be able to play it with a level of passable fluidity and technique.

Here’s a short clip of me playing a song form called the Sevillana, which is a style that originated in the city of Sevilla. (click on the arrow to hear the mp3)


Check out my full Travel Gallery on my website to see more images from around the world.

Want to improve your own travel photography techniques and style? Click here to check out my online travel photography class, “The World, The World- Through Your Camera Lens” that I teach at The Compelling Image. The class features assignments and individual critiques that I personally give to each student.

November 1, 2007
See this post
Flamenco Dancers, Andalucia, Spain

While on the Pika Glacier this summer, I experimented a bit with the Interval Shooting option on the Nikon D200. With this feature, you can set the pararmeters of how often you want the camera to fire, how many frames you want the camera to shoot each time, and how many total shots you want the camera to take. Needless to say, this option is best utilized when the camera is on a tripod. Interval shooting allows a world of very interesting photographic possibilities and with a little creativity, it can be used to make time lapse videos.

For this particular project, I shot two different series of one hundred images each, and then using a variety of Apple software, (iMovie HD, Logic Pro 8, and Compressor) I created a Quick Time movie of the still images, scored it with some original music, and then exported the project to mpeg format.

Click the image below to play the Alaska Time Lapse Movie.
[qt: 320 255]

October 3, 2007
See this post
Alaska Time Lapse Photography Video

Just a reminder that online photography classes at The Compelling Image begin in one week, on Wednesday, Sept 5, and enrollment continues through Sept. 12. There is still time to register, but class space is limited, so sign up before all the spaces are full!

The two courses that I’ll be teaching are:

Step into Outdoor and Adventure Photography (Four-week course)

hiker three rocks skier

Got a hankering to shoot dynamic photos of the great outdoors and those who play hard in it? This 4-week online course taught by professional adventure photographer, Dan Bailey, will guide you directly there. From expressive images of breathtaking landscapes to dramatic perspectives on an array of mountain and outdoor sports, you’ll learn just how to capture them – powerfully and creatively!

The World, The World- Through Your Lens (Eight-week course)

lama spain flamenco

Travel and photography are truly inseparable passions. And with the affordability and convenience of today’s digital cameras, nearly everyone is guaranteed satisfying snapshot results when they return home. Travel “Photographs” – pictures that express and inspire, however, are a different class of photography, altogether.

Classes at The Compelling Image feature interactive Q&A, student galleries, weekly lessons and assignments, flexible learning schedules and personal image critiques, as well as a 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

August 29, 2007
See this post
Photo Classes at TCI Begin on Sept. 5

Today Nikon announced their two newest flagship DSLR cameras, the Full Frame 12.1-megapixel D3 and the 12.3-megapixel D300. Both are very exciting and impressive additions to the line and they illustrate that Nikon is still very much on the cutting edge of professional digital photography.

Nikon D3

Nikon D3Nikon D3

The D3 is Nikon’s first full frame digital SLR, and it packs a huge punch. With shooting speeds of 9fps at full resolution (up to 11fps at 5-megapixel resolution) and a 51 area Multi-Cam autofocus system, the D3 features the fastest startup time and shutter lag of any SLR, a brilliant 3-inch LCD rear monitor, Nikon’s all new EXPEED image processing circuitry and a dual compact flash card slot.

A quick view of some of the D3’s major features:

• Full frame FX-format 12.1-megapixel Nikon designed CMOS self cleaning image sensor.

• 3-inch diagonal view, crystal clear 920,000-pixel LCD viewfinder that has a 170-degree viewing angle.

• Continuous shooting mode of up to 9 frames per second in full 12.1-megapixel resolution. The D3 can also shoot at higher speeds (up to 11 frames per second) in DX mode, which uses only a part of the CMOS sensor to capture 5-megapixel images.

• All new 51-area autofocus system that contains 15 cross-type AF sensors around the center of the frame. The AF sensors can also be configured into a moveable cluster of either 9 or 21 sensors. Also included is a new technology called Scene Recognition System that works with the 1,005-segmet color sensitive RGB Matrix Meter to aid in focus tracking.

• Dual Compact Flash card slot. Options for using the dual card slot are Overflow: which begins writing to the second card when the first one fills up, Backup: which writes the same images to both cards, and Raw-slot 1, JPEG-slot 2. Images can also be copied between cards.

•Live View, which displays a real time view through the rear LCD viewing screen.

Due to ship in November 2007, the D3 is slated to retail for $4999.

Nikon D300

Nikon D300Nikon D300
Not be overshadowed, the D300 is also a hefty inclusion into Nikon’s professional line of DSLRs. The D300 contains many of the same high end features as the D3, including the 51-area autofocus system, 3-inch LCD viewing screen and Nikon’s new EXPEED image processor, all packed into a smaller, lighter body. This definitley appeals to someone like me who makes a living by lugging camera equipment into the remote wilderness and around the globe.

Major features of the D300 include:

• Nikon DX-format 12.3-megapixel Sony made self cleaning CMOS image sensor.

• 3-inch diagonal view, crystal clear 920,000-pixel LCD viewfinder that has a 170-degree viewing angle.

• Continuous shooting mode of up to 6 frames per second in full 12.3-megapixel resolution. The D300 can also shoot at speeds of up to 8 frames per second when using the AC adaptor or the MB-D10 Multi-Batter pack.

• All new 51-area autofocus system that contains 15 cross-type AF sensors around the center of the frame. The AF sensors can also be configured into a moveable cluster of either 9 or 21 sensors. Also included is a new technology called Scene Recognition System that works with the 1,005-segmet color sensitive RGB Matrix Meter to aid in focus tracking.

• A Viewfinder that offers approx. 100% frame coverage.

• Power-up time of .13 sec and 0.045 sec shutter lag time.

• Built-in Speedlight with i-TTL flash control and full support for Nikon’s Creative Lighting System.

• Live View, which displays a real time view through the rear LCD viewing screen.

• Magnesium alloy body for light weight and rugged durability.

Also due to ship November 2007, the D300 will sell for $1799, and of course, I can’t wait to get my hands on one!

Stay Tuned…

Visit for more info.

August 23, 2007
See this post
Nikon Unveils Two New Flagship Cameras: The D3 and The D300.