November 4


5 Great Outdoor and Landscape Photographer Blogs

By Dan

November 4, 2010

Truly great outdoor and landscape photographs take our breaths away. As human beings, they fill us with passion, excitement and serenity about the natural world, and they reinforce the love and wonder that we have for our planet. They remind us why we should not abuse it and they give us a perspective that no written word ever could.

As photographers, these images fill us with inspiration and hint at what’s possible when we put a camera into our own hands and head out into the wilderness. After all, the people who make these amazing and beautiful photos are only human just like we are, even though sometimes we hold them as giants.

And most importantly, they remind us that we should all get away from our computers and spend more time outside taking pictures.

It’s often enjoyable to read what photographers write about their own imagery and their creative process. We can learn a great deal from them and be motivated, or at least be highly entertained by the stories that accompany their imagery.

I’ve chosen just a small handful of shooters who create beautiful landscapes and who blog about their work. With so many great photographers out there, this list is by no means complete, it only represents the first few names that came to mind as I was cruising around Twitter this morning.

So, take a few minutes to take in the imagery and words by these wonderfully talented and creative people, and please feel free to add other blogs and links to photographers that you like in the comment section as well.

Finally, to the shooters on this list, thanks for the motivation.

Patrick J. Endres, Alaska

©Patrick J. Endres

Guy Tal, Utah

©Guy Tal

John Cornforth, Washington

©Jon Cornforth

Ian Plant, Virginia

@Ian Plant

Bret Edge, Utah

©Bret Edge
About the author

Hi, I'm Dan Bailey, a 25+ year pro outdoor and adventure photographer, and official FUJIFILM X-Photographer based in Anchorage, Alaska.

As a top rated blogger and author my goal is to help you become a better, more confident and competent photographer, so that you can have as much fun and creative enjoyment as I do.

  • Thanks for this post. As a newbie to photography, I really appreciate finding new awesome outdoor photographers to learn from. Any more you would like to share would also be appreciated!

  • Wow, Dan…thanks so much for including my blog. This is some seriously awesome company to keep and I’m honored to be on the list. Much appreciated!

  • Wonderful photos Dan, are these photos, particularly John Conforth’s mountain and forest scenery available to be purchased for a interior landscaping project? It would be great to try and recreate the feeling of a vast beautiful open space inside the office.

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