If there is one single tip or mantra that will make all the difference in your photography, it’s this:
You have to be there.
It sounds overly simple because it is, but the fact is that the best images that have ever been created by any photographer, you included, exist for one reason only- because they made the effort to go be in the same place as their subjects. They got themselves out of bed, out of their sleeping bag, out of their tent, out of their car, out of their house or off the main trail, and put themselves out into the world where the action, the emotions and the light are all happening.
Remember that the next time you’re sitting around humdrumming about how you wish you took better pictures, or when you’re feeling stagnant about your creativity or your imagery. Get up out of your chair, grab your camera and go put yourself in a place where something might happen. I guarantee your photos will be so much better than if you just sit there.