I’m excited to announce that I have a brand new Dan Bailey Photo Store on Amazon, which features a wide selection of my own favorite items- everything from camera gear, hard drives, solar chargers, useful accessories, books, and even some outdoor stuff I use on my photography trips.
And, the best part is that my store has a really easy-to-remember URL:
In other words… it’s:
Amazon dot com (slash) shop (slash) danbaileyphoto
This new storefront offers a lot of convenience for both of us. It allows me to share the gear and accessories that I recommend to my readers all in one place. I’m also able to add my own personal comments about the items, which means you can easily find all my recommendation and insight, and my other social links, all in one spot.
I do a number of reviews here on my blog, but as longtime readers can attest, I only review products that I’m really excited about. They’re either things I use, or have used extensively in my photography and outdoor life, or things that I feel would be of interest to other outdoor photographers who have a similar photography style or interest.
In other words, this blog is not your standard review site. I don’t write about every single thing that comes along. I simply don’t have time to review gear that I honestly feel I wouldn’t use, or that I don’t think is exceptionally noteworthy.
There are lots of sites on the web where you can read reviews, and I like to think you come here to get something a little different than just a collection of technical gear write-ups. Your time is valuable too, so I work hard to extend that level of respect to you as my reader.
Here’s the thing. I get a small commission on purchases that people make from my store. I’m up front about that, for a couple of reasons.
One- It’s just better to be honest about this fact, given that my blog is part of my business as a pro photographer.
I put a lot of effort into my blog with the notion of helping other people become better photographers, but it does produce income for me through clicks and affiliate links.
Two- Some of my readers care about that and they want to support me in my efforts.
I know that a lot of you actually WANT to help me out. Nearly all of my content on the site is free, but I make a genuine effort to get to you know my readers as people through email, social media and at my workshops. Also, I do my best to respond to nearly every comment and email I get, even though my email inbox sometimes eats me alive.
I really appreciate the support you guys continue to give me, and I know that many of you want to continue that. Shopping from my Amazon store, or even just entering Amazon through my store link when you shop for other products, whether you’re buying cameras or cat food is a great way for you to show this support.
And of course it doesn’t cost you anything extra, whether you live in the U.S., Canada, or overseas.
I’ll continually update my store with new products, so check it out and let me know what you think!
Thanks again for your support. Have a great weekend.