Can’t take credit for this idea. Zach Arias posted a similar list on his Tumblr site the other day, which I though was pretty funny. When I retweeted it, one of my own followers asked me to produce my own list.
So, here it is, my take on the 10 photos that I NEVER want to see again.
1. Silhouette of a rock climber dude taking his hand off of the rope to help the other other rock climber dude onto the summit. As if…
2. Guy in a business suit rock climbing. And carrying a briefcase. On top rope.
3. Photo of a runner who is in the worst looking, most non-dynamic part of their stride. C’mon, that’s just bad editing.
4. Beautiful female model shot in a dirty alley in front of a dumpster. Please.
5. The photos that you, not the professional took at your daughter’s wedding.
6. ANY subject framed by an out of focus tree branch at the top of the frame.
7. Any photo with lots of clutter, no clearly definable subject matter shot that’s shot at midday.
8. An Instagram of your appetizer. Don’t share, just eat.
9. Any portrait where there’s a telephone pole, candle or tree sticking out of the top of the person’s head. Seriously?
10. My own senior picture.
What’s on your list? Comment and let me know. Enjoy the weekend.
Ha! Every store in Chamonix has a rack full of postcards featuring silhouetted guides helping their client to the summit.
#11: The railroad tracks portrait. Guilty as charged.
Oops, sorry, that was Zack’s #1. I shoulda read his first.
a baby in a basket. C’mon, that’s not where they really sleep, is it?!
I concur with these all but #5? Is there something I don’t get about this one?
Let’s just say that I’ve met a few too many people who, when they find out that I’m a photographer, proceed to break out the wedding album, as if they want me to critique the hundreds of photos that they took over the pro’s shoulder that day. No more, I say!! 😀
Any photo with a decrepit old-fashioned doll with one eye closed and the other open.
Poorly processed hdr