April 21


3 Blog Posts That Caught My Eye This Week

By Dan

April 21, 2011

Photo by Bret Edge

Here’s a quick roundup of a 3 blog posts that sparked my interest this week.

1. Bret Edge- Using a Telephoto Lens to Create Dynamic Landscape Photographs

What’s that you say? Long lenses aren’t for landscapes? Yes, they are, and in this post, Utah photographer Bret Edge lays out the why you should ditch your wide angle glass, at least for awhile, and try shooting landscapes with the big glass instead.

I’m a big fan of this practice, in fact I even wrote something like this on The Photoletariat last year. However, Bret’s piece is much longer and really well done, so check it out.

2. APhotoEditor- Licensing Image For Facebook

Facebook is very quickly becoming a legitimate and widely used advertising medium by many companies. Begin such a new type of usage, there is no set consensus by stock photographers yet on how to price these types of usage.

Add to that the issue that any once you upload a photo to Facebook, you essentially grant unlimited usage rights of that image to Facebook. Aside from the difficulties of pricing this kind of thing, there could be some real exclusivity issues at play here.

The post itself is short, but the discussion and ideas that are being tossed around in the comment section make it worth checking out.

3. David duChemin- Choose Your Risk

David duChemin is the man. In my mind, he’s picked up where Galen Rowell left off in terms of his writing, his world imagery and his philosophy about visionary photography. Everything he writes is worth reading. (Check out his incredible eBooks at Craft and Vision.)

In this post, David reminds us that life goes by and it only goes by once, so you’d better make the best of it and choose how you want to manage your fears and your risk. Compare these to what potentially lies on the other side of the risk and you might just take on a new outlook on your own life.

Well said, David. Thanks for the reminder.

About the author

Hi, I'm Dan Bailey, a 25+ year pro outdoor and adventure photographer, and official FUJIFILM X-Photographer based in Anchorage, Alaska.

As a top rated blogger and author my goal is to help you become a better, more confident and competent photographer, so that you can have as much fun and creative enjoyment as I do.

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