So, this is kind of a different type of blog post than you usually see here. However, this is a huge milestone for me that I feel is worth sharing.
After all, this blog is, in many ways, my personal journal as a creative, and if you’re a regular reader, than you know that I have a lifelong fasciation with music and guitar, as well as a degree in recording engineering and music production from Berklee College of Music.
Today, I released, what is essentially my debut album. I also started a music blog to chronicle and share my own geeky ideas about music and guitar, since those things are such enormously important parts of my life.
You can read my first post here, where I talk about my own journey and history with music and what’s to come.

My brand new album, Seven Years is a collection of newly remastered guitar oriented instrumentals I recorded between 2000-2007. Those seven years represent the evolution, and the beginnings of my experiments and learning experience with songwriting and digital recording.
Since I was in the midst of trying to grow my photography business at the time, many of the songs were made during the late night hours in my basement apartment using the Boss BR-8 portable recorder, and later using Cubase and Logic when I got a faster computer.
Looking back, I’m very proud of these pieces and I feel they clearly illustrate my style and energy as a guitar player and musician, and the influences who have combined to make me who I am as an artist.
You can also follow me on the indie music website called Bandcamp, where I post my music. That way, you’ll be notified whenever I release new songs. It’s also great place to find and support other independent artists as well, since we’re all in this together.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my new album. Feel free to leave a comment if you wish! You can read this post to read the liner notes for each track.