April 22


The Evocative Image by Andrew Gibson: A (Somewhat) New eBook from Craft & Vision

By Dan

April 22, 2011

I don’t know how I missed this one, I usually try to stay in the loop whenever Craft & Vision releases a new eBook.

The Evocative Image- A Photographer’s Guide to Capturing Mood by Andrew Gibson has been out for a couple of months now, and as with all of their other books, this one is another great title that’s filled with wonderful imagery and very insightful ideas.

Essentially, it’s about how to make imagery that translates not just what you see, but that also expresses how you feel about your subjects. Andrew explores the visual aesthetics of mood, and discusses how to use light, different lenses, apertures, different color palettes, and other technical aspects that help you evoke an emotional response from your viewer.

The book is beautifully done, both with Andrew’s impressive photographs and with the overall layout and design. I’d love to know who does their design so that I can hire him to do my next ebook!

I can’t say enough good things about the Craft & Vision eBooks, they impart so much great information, inspiration and, of course, visual goodness. They’re absolutely guaranteed to provide you with way more value than the paltry sum of $5 that they charge for each one. Think of how easily you could waste five bucks on any given day. Then think about how much your photography is worth and how much enjoyment you get out of making a truly compelling shot.

The Evocative Image is packed with creative fuel and exercises that will make you want to dig deeply into your artistic self and produce the best work that you can. Do yourself a favor, pick it up, spend the weekend learning, practicing and being inspired, and get on the path towards making more expressive imagery.

About the author

Hi, I'm Dan Bailey, a 25+ year pro outdoor and adventure photographer, and official FUJIFILM X-Photographer based in Anchorage, Alaska.

As a top rated blogger and author my goal is to help you become a better, more confident and competent photographer, so that you can have as much fun and creative enjoyment as I do.

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