I recently got my hands on the Fujifilm XP200 point and shoot camera and have been trying it out for about a month.
It’s got a 16MP 1/2.3-inch CMOS sensor, a 3″ LCD screen, built in Wi-Fi image transfer that allows you to instantly send photos to your smartphone or tablet, a 5x optical zoom lens, Full HD 1080p video, and a max continuous shooting speed of 10 frames per second.
While I don’t normally these smaller cameras, there are times when you’re out in the elements, a DSLR wouldn’t be practical, and you don’t want to destroy your nice little X20 or iPhone 5S. That’s when these little rugged, adventure point and shoots like the Nikon AW110 and the XP200 really come in handy.
The XP200 is waterproof to 15m, and shockproof, which means you can drop it onto the rocks from about 6′. I didn’t try this, but from what I’ve read, it’s indeed completely waterproof to the stated depth and stands up to just about any abuse you throw at it.
It’s got a few different color/bw settings and enough creative filters to offer lots of fun. Image quality is pretty good; obviously not as sharp as something like the X20, but the lens is good and photos holds up well and is good enough for anything that you’d normally use a point and shoot camera for.
Best part about the XP200 is the price. Right now, they’re only about $200, which is way cheaper than the Nikon AW110 and most other cameras in its class. Not bad for a camera that can accompany you into the dirty, rainy, dusty, muddy and rugged places in the outdoors and come out unscathed.
If you’re looking for an inexpensive point and shoot to take on your adventures, I’d definitely check out the XFuji XP200. It’s a great all-around camera or what it does, you certainly can’t beat the price.
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