Fujifilm X20As expected, on Monday at the Consumer Electronics Show, Fujifilm announced the X20 compact camera. Retaining the same body style, the same 28-112 f/2.0-2.8 lens and the same megapixel count, as well as many of the specs which made the X10 such a capable and popular little camera, the X20 features a upgraded sensor, image processor and advanced viewfinder that displays an overlay of shooting info inside the prism.

The brand new 2/3″ 12MP X-Trans CMOS II sensor adopts the same architecture and technology found on the high end X-Pro 1. With a random RGB pattern that eliminates the need for an optical low-pass filter, and combined with the new EXR Processor II, the X20 offers higher even resolution and improved sensitivity over the X10.

Here’s an example example straight from the official X20 brochure that clearly shows the difference in sensor performance. It’s a full body portrait zoomed all the way in. Pretty impressive!

Max shooting speed has been bumped up; the X20 is able to fire at 12FPS (11 shots max) at full 12MP resolution. Also, with the addition of phase detection sensors, the X20 offers a highly increased autofocus system with speed and performance. Other enhancements include reduced shutter time lag and image processing time, decreased start-up time, and a couple of new film simulation modes- PRO Neg.Std and PRO Neg.Hi, which bring back some of Fuji’s most renowned negative portrait films of the past.

One feature that was definitely missing on the X10 was the ability to use film simulation modes while shooting video. The X20 adds this option, as well as giving you better autofocus and letting you set the white balance while shooting HD video.

Oh yea, and it comes in silver too. How cool is that!

A couple of the buttons and shooting menus have changed, but as I said, it’s pretty much the same little Fuji with even more power under the hood. I love what Fujifilm is doing these days, they’re definitely leading a strong charge when it comes to appealing camaera design and advanced technology in the compact camera genre, and with the improved performance, the X20 will surely make it even hard to run out the door with the full DSLR kit unless you really need, or want to carry a bigger camera system.

Obviously, for as much as I love the unencumbering creative options that the X10 had given me during the past year in a wide variety of shooting applications, for bother personal and pro use, inside and out, I’ll be super excited to get my hands on the X20.

Price is the same as the X10 was, which will be $599 when it hits shelves in March. This of course means that the X10 is even more affordable now, only $489. At that price and performance, the X10 is still a fantastic little camera. I’ve had full size 4 x 6 foot professional reproductions made from X10 photos, so if six hundred bucks is just a little too much for your budget, you really can’t go wrong with the X10.

The X20 is available for preorder from both B&H Photo and Amazon, right now. In the meantime, you can drool over the official product brochure for the X20.

Support this site. If you do decide to pull the trigger on an X20, or any other gear for that matter, please consider clicking through these links. It’s like saying, “Thanks, Dan, for taking the time to compile all this groovy info and write these blog posts which distract me from my work.”

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January 9, 2013
See this post
Yea!! Fujifilm Announces the Brand New X20

Tomorrow evening, January 8 at 7:00PM, I’ll be giving a free instructional presentation called “Using Flash Photography in The Outdoors.” In this talk, I’ll illustrate some of the techniques and gear that I use in my Fast With Light style of photography.

The event is sponsored by the Alaska Society of Outdoor and Nature Photographers and will be held at the Anchorage Museum at Rasmussen Center. Come one, come all, because it’s open to anyone. I even have a couple of free prizes to give away, so don’t miss it!

January 7, 2013
See this post
Free Lighting Presentation: Tuesday, Jan. 8 at the Anchorage Museum

This time last year, I wrote about my Top 10 Photography Highlights of 2011, where I listed some of my notable accomplishments of the preceding year. This time, rather than look back at what I did, I want to focus on a few things that helped me learn, motivated me in some way, or that allowed me to push my creativity and advance my skills in new directions. I present them as examples of the kinds of things that might help motivate you as well.

1. Writing eBooks

In August, I released my eBook, Creative Photography Techniques: 20 Tips for Stronger Images. I also wrote another yet untitled eBook that will be on the way soon. In order to compile all of the tips and ideas for these books, I went back through all of my notes and blog posts about creativity and photographic technique and composition. Combined with the act of looking at past imagery, this process made me think and rethink about all the techniques that I often employ in my photography and the methods that seem to define my style. It also shows me the areas that I want to work on, which helps just a much down the road.

Want to improve your photography, check out my eBooks, or those by anyone that inspires you. Better yet, write one of your own. Even if you don’t think you have enough material for an entire book, try writing about photography and see where it takes you. You’ll learn a lot, and it might even open some new doors for you. Trust me.

2. Bigger Softboxes and Strobes

I’ve been dragging bigger softboxes and traditional studio lighting gear outside into the outdoors for awhile now, but last winter I did a few shoots with the Photoflex TritonFlash battery powered strobe and a 24″ Chinese lantern-style softbox called the WhiteDome. One of those sessions ended up with me getting this shot of the jumping snow biker, which is definitely one of my favorites of the year.

You can use most larger softboxes with regular camera flashes, and for less than two hundred bucks, they’re an economical way to really expand the scope of your photography. And while I don’t have experience with every softbox manufacturer out there, believe me, the Photoflex stuff will take a beating. Look for more lighting lessons from me this year on the Photoflex Lighting School website.

3. The Fujifilm X10

This time last year I bought the Fujifilm X10. It was my first little camera, and it quickly became one of my favorite things of the entire year. I put this stylishly classic, rangefinder looking camera through the rigors and shot in all kinds of environments and situations with it.

Although it took some time to get the hang of using a compact camera in places where I’d normally use a DSLR, but for those times when I wanted to go even lighter, it really proved itself as a valuable and viable tool. Not only did I get some great photos with it, some of which have been used by pro clients, including Fujifilm, I’ve had loads of fun with this little guy during the past twelve months. Being so small, it opened up some fantastic new opportunities and allowed me to explore my photographic creativity in some exciting and liberating new ways.

4. New Camera Bags

When it comes to camera bags, for me, it’s all about accessibility. No matter if I’m skiing in the backcountry, hiking long alpine ridges, biking singletrack or just hanging around the trails, I want need to be able to grab my camera and get it into my hands within seconds. This past year, I got my hands on the new Lowepro Flipside Sport AW adventure camera pack. With its flip & zip back panel design, this cool bag lets you get in and out in no time flat. Plus, its secure design allows you to run your gear, even with a big lens like an 80-200mm f/2.8.

I’ve long been a fan of my old Photoflex Galen Rowel Chest Pouch, and while it works really well for things like hiking and skiing, it doesn’t work as well for me when I run and bike. The Flipside Sport AW gave me new carrying flexibility for mountain biking and fast mountain hiking during 2012, which definitely paid off in imagery.

5. All Night Bike Ride Through Denali National Park

In June of last year, we did an all night bike tour during summer solstice weekend through Denali National Park, Alaska. Under 24-hour daylight, we rode from 6PM to 6AM and had an amazing midnight sunset all to ourselves. Nothing will make you a better photographer than getting out of your office/home/school and heading out into the world. Trips like this one always make me a better photographer, because they allow me to take all the stuff I learn and write about and put them into practice for real. In a rut? Take a trip.

Cycling Polychrome Pass during a midnight sunset

6. Photo Assignments

Nothing will put you on your toes and force you to get it done like being on assignment. Whether you’re shooting for a national magazine or doing a portrait, being ‘on the job,’ will test your skills and teach you to bring out your creativity, even when things aren’t going perfectly.

This past year, I shot a variety of assignments for magazines and corporate clients, all of which tested me in different ways, allowed me to build on my experience, and in the end, made me a better photographer. Not a pro? Don’t get assignments yet? No worries, make up your own. Come up with an idea and go make it happen. Treat it like the real thing and you’ll learn just the same.

7. Shooting An Entire Season of Cyclcross

I’m not an event photographer, but in the spirit of number 5 above, I gave myself the assignment of shooting an entire season of cyclocross here in Anchorage, Alaska. It wasn’t so much of an assignment as a personal project, which are necessary endeavors for any photographer to undertake on a regular basis.

I shot for six weeks straight and went into each week with a slightly different approach. For example, a couple of weeks I focused on using flash and strobes, while other weeks I experimented with different lenses and techniques. I even rented a tilt shift lens for the last race, which was the coolest since it was snowing during the entire day. Let’s just say that my action photography chops were tested to the max.

As I said, personal projects are vitally important. Not only do they provide you with great opportunities for stretching your creativity, they often end up being the most fulfilling and rewarding projects that you do. These kinds of projects make you better, because with the motivation of being personally connected to your subject matter, you’ll often create your best work. You’ll also find that the imagery from a strong personal project is what’s likely to get you noticed, especially as an emerging photographer. In fact, it’s how most of us pros got our start.

Shoot what you love and it will pay off in some way. I guarantee it. Tell me, what are some of the things that made you a better photographer in 2012?

January 3, 2013
See this post
7 Things That Made Me A Better Photographer in 2012

portrait of an Alaska snow bikerTaking just one picture rarely satisfies our photographic urges, we often like to work our subject matter. This process of experimentation helps to loosen up our creative muscles, dispel inhibitions and drive our imagination and technical skills into maximum convergence.

This method also gets us looking, seeing and paying closer attention to our surroundings. It’s what helps us learn and become better photographers. As with any experimentation, it’s all about “What if?” What if I used a different lens? What if I changed backgrounds? What if I shot from a different vantage point?

I grabbed these two shots within a couple of minutes of each other. The only real difference between the two is that that I simply moved 180 and shot from the other direction. The Alaska winter sun made for interesting light on both frames, but notice how I used the light in each shot.

portrait of an Alaska snow biker

In the first image, the warm sunlight is my main light source, whereas in the second shot, I’m using shaded ambient light as my main light source. The direct sunlight becomes an accent, or key light; it doesn’t illuminate the subject, it merely acts as an secondary light that gives the shot some added zing. Note how it also completely changes the quality of the background.

Pay attention to these kind of things when you’re out shooting. Both techniques work equally well, but depending on how you want to portray your subject, you might have a preference for how you use your light. Going one step further, once you begin to understand how to use natural light in different ways, suddenly, using flash doesn’t seem so intimidating.

January 2, 2013
See this post
Using Sunlight In Different Ways

As we bid farewell to 2012 and welcome 2013, I’d like to take a minute to wish you all a very happy new year and thank you for your support this past year.

Whether you’re a client, a regular reader or a casual visitor, you helped make 2012 a remarkable year for me and my photography, and for that, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude. I look forward to 2013 with great enthusiasm, a notebook full of ideas, and some very exciting publications, projects and announcements, so stay tuned to find out more in the weeks and months ahead!

To my fellow photographers out there, I hope that 2012 was also a banner year for you as well. Maybe you bought your very first camera this year or upgraded you equipment, had your first paying photography job, saw your work in print for the first time, or reached a new level of creativity or professional success. I would bet that no matter what level of photographer you are, you experienced some notable and exciting milestones during the past twelve months, which you can build on in 2013.

Let me know what they are. Tell me what you achieved during the past year and what you hope to accomplish in 2013. I like hearing your feedback and learning about you, my readers, as real people and not just clicks on the website traffic report, so tell me why 2012 was great for you and what you look forward to in 2013.

And, of course…

Happy New Year!

See you in 2013.


December 31, 2012
See this post
Happy New Year and Thanks for Your Support in 2012!

If there’s one piece of gear that I’m really excited about this season, it’s the new  new Nikon AF-S 70-200mm f/4G ED VR Telephoto Zoom Lens. Nikon unveiled this brand new lens a couple of months ago, and now it’s finally on shelves and available for purchase.

I got to try out this lens firsthand at this year’s PhotoPlus trade show and I was very impressed. Not only is it considerably lighter and smaller than the Nikon 70-200 f/2.8G VRII, it features Nikon’s 3rd Generation VR, which promises five stops of vibration reduction under optimum shooting conditions. The AF-S focusing is awesome on this lens, it locks on and tracks subjects with speed and precision. It’s easy to hold and very well balanced on the camera, even on lighter weight DSLR bodies.

At a price point of $1,399, it’s also quite a bit less expensive than its bigger brother. All of these factors are worthy trade offs for the single stop loss in speed. Between the extremely capable VR and the fact that we’re not shooting ISO 25 and 50 speed slide film anymore, I don’t think that f/4 will make much difference under most conditions, especially outside during the daytime.

I will definitely be getting the new AF-S 70-200mm f/4G ED VR lens, and would highly recommend it to any outdoor, adventure, travel or people photographer who wants to save dollars and weight and still have a full on pro quality telephoto zoom. It’s got Nikon’s Nano Crystal Coat, ED glass and it works on both FX and DX cameras.

Look for a full field review of this lens from me soon. Whatever you do, though, don’t tell my 80-200mm f/2.8. It’s about to see a whole lot less use.

Both Amazon and B&H Photo are offering free overnight shipping on this lens right now.

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December 20, 2012
See this post
The Nikon 70-200mm f/4 ED VR AF-S Lens- Now Available

Here we go again.

The other day, Instagram released new Terms of Service, which has everyone running for the hills. Essentially, the new terms allow Intagram to use your photos for commercial purposes and keep the money. You have until January 16 to decide if you’ll agree with the new terms or bail, or pull all of your photos from the service and delete your account.


Surely you’re joking. This sounds like something a bunch of completely clueless lawyers came up with in order to purposefully shoot themselves in the feet. Seriously? We go through this kind of thing again and again.

Here’s exactly how the term reads in the new agreement:

“To help us deliver interesting paid or sponsored content or promotions, you agree that a business or other entity may pay us to display your username, likeness, photos (along with any associated metadata), and/or actions you take, in connection with paid or sponsored content or promotions, without any compensation to you.”  The new legal terms also specify that the use of Instagram after the terms take effect on January 16 “constitutes your agreement to the updated terms.”

Of course, the day after these terms were released, a small, yet extremely vocal percentage of their 100 million users threw their arms up in disbelief and threatened to give up our beloved Instagram. And you know what? That was the right thing for us to do.

Mind you, I’m not ready to bail on Instagram just yet. In fact, I’d advice that we all just sit tight for a few days. That said, the freak out was totally called for. We needed to let Instagram know how we feel about this, and that it’s unacceptable of them to swing out such huge rights grab contracts in our faces and demand that we sign them or quit.

Or is it?

Instagram is a very nice company who has let us use their service completely free of charge for how many years now? They’re a business who has said all along that they “intend to make money someday,” they just haven’t been totally clear about how they’d go about trying to monetize the app. Or rather, the new owners who just shelled out a billion dollars for the app hadn’t yet decided how to turn their outrageously large investment into something, oh, I don’t know… we’ll call it ‘profitable.’

To be fair, they have every right to try and make money in any legal way that they see fit. So does a guy who knocks on your door and kindly asks for your car keys so that he can drive away, sell it and keep all the money. Chances are, you may not buy what he’s selling, but he’s if he’s up front with the terms of his request, there’s nothing that says he can’t try.

He may settle for offering to rake your leaves for money, which is much more reasonable. With the incredible uproar by photographers, my guess is that Instagram may decide to settle on raking your leaves as well. The reality is that like any other business, Instragram will need to come up with a model that is attractive, or at least sellable to the masses if they’re going to succeed.

They’ve already backed off and released a statement that explains what they really meant. They’re now saying, “thank you for speaking up, we’re listening and still tweaking things.” You see, as it turns out, it wasn’t so much your photos that Instagram was planning on marketing, as much as your data.

My guess is that they’ll make adjustments and rewrite the terms to make them sound not quite so scary and it will all blow over. Lawyers often come up with this kind of stuff. That’s what lawyers do, and then to PR people follow closely behind picking up the pieces, listening to customers and then telling the lawyers that they need to reword things, because us regular people read complicated legal stuff that we don’t quite understand and then freak out.

It will probably turn out that whatever money making schemes Instagram comes up with will, in the end, not really affect us as much. It will probably be in the same line as all the other content and user based marketing that we’re getting used to in our modern online world. After all, most of us are still using Facebook and Google.

Or, maybe they’ll decide to go the way of 500px and Flickr and charge a nominal yearly fee for their service. Combining this with content marketing and ads makes the most sense, and for those photographers who make heavy use of Instagram, whether for professional social media use or simply for fun, paying, say $25 a year, doesn’t sound so bad. After all, it’s a great app.

On the other hand, perhaps Instagram will decide NOT to rewrite their terms, in which case, everyone is free to bail and go find some other photo sharing service. Flickr just released a super new iPhone app, and Twitter’s latest iOS update features Instagram-style filters. App loyalty only goes so far these days, but before doing anything rash, let’s just wait and see how this one plays out.

Edit- 12/20/2012: After the uproar and apparent misunderstanding, Instagram has changed their terms back and said that they never meant to market user photos in the first place. They’ll go back to the drawing board to try and figure out a new income model.

In the meantime, let me know: Would you pay to use Instagram or just find some other service for your iPhoneography? Share your thoughts.

December 19, 2012
See this post
Instagram’s New Terms: Should You Bail?

I When I have time, I like to cruise around through photo sharing sites like 500px, Tumblr, Google+ and Flickr for inspiration, and also out of courtesy to check out work that other people have made the effort to create and present. Here are three shots I’ve seen recently that I love. Maybe they’ll inspire you as well.

The Last Ones by Lars van de Goor (larsvandegoor)) on 500px.com
The Last Ones by Lars van de Goor

I ran across the work os Lars van de Goor on 500px and am blown away by some of his imagery. Granted a few of his shots are Photoshopped quite a bit, but I don’t think that this one is, aside from basic exposure and contrast adjustments. The Last Ones is an absolutely gorgeous image that has exceptional detail and clarity, and not just because it was shot with a Nikon D800. Lars definitely has they eye. See for yourself. There are so many awesome shots on 500px, I could spend all day there.

Serenity, by Tor Ivan Boine


I follow Tor on Twitter and Flickr, although I can only read a small percentage of his tweets, since he’s Norweigan. He does a variety of outdoor photography. This beautiful photo was shot with one of the old fashioned cameras, a Nikon D90.

Living on the Edge ~ Namibia, by Martin Sojka

Martin Sojka from Slovakia shot this image. Pretty much illustrates the whole “photography is all about the light argument.” Imagine this landscape shot at midday.

Want more landscape photography goodness and creative insight? Check out Landscape Photographers on Creativity and Inspiration.

December 18, 2012
See this post
3 Photographs That I Love

As we delve deeper into the holiday season, camera manufacturers are going crazy with special offers. Here are a handful of deals not to miss.

1. Nikon D600 Bundle

This is perhaps the biggest DSLR camera deal of the season, maybe even the year. Nikon is offering a $700 savings on the D600 bundle, by essentially throwing in the 24-85mm AF-S VR lens for free, along with a few accessories, like a memory card, spare battery and camera bag, all for $1,996.95.

This deal was originally offered through December 15, but it has now been extended through December 29. You can get the deal at either B&H Photo or at Amazon. The B&H deal includes free 2 day shipping. I’m having a REALLY hard time not pulling the trigger on this deal myself. Who knows, by the time you read this post, I may very well have picked up one up.

2. Nikon D800 Bundle

Nikon is also offering a bundle deal on the D800 as well. While not as huge as the D600 bundle, it’s still a great deal, with a $200 instant savings. Buy the D800 body at B&H Photo and you’ll get a free Sandisk memory card, spare battery, free Lowepro bag, batter charger and wireless remote shutter release, all for only $2796.95. (The D800E version of the bundle is $3,096.95.)

Amazon has the same price deal going on with the D800, but instead of a Sandisk card, you get a Transcend memory card and Amazon backpack, but no spare battery. The Amazon D800E deal is also $3,096.95.

3. Canon EOS 7D

And for you Canon users, the EOS 7D is only $1,199 until January 5.

18 megapixels, 3-inch LCD screen, HD video, 100% viewfinder, 8 fps, and ISO sensitivity to 12800, the 7D is a workhorse professional grade DSLR body in an affordable, lightweight package. If I was a Canon shooter, I’d have one of these for outdoor work.

4. Fujifilm XF1 and X10 Deals

Not to be left out, Fujifilm is also offering savings on their compact X cameras, the XF1 and the X10. Incidentally, both of these cameras have won iF Design Awards. The new stylish XF1 is $100 off, and only costs $399 right now at both B&H Photo and Amazon. This is a really sweet little pocket sized camera that has the same sensor and image processor as the X10. The leather-ish cover comes in three colors: tan, black or red. I like tan and plan on getting one soon.

And, the X10 is also on sale, $100 off. Right now, get it for only $499 at B&H Photo or Amazon. If I didn’t already have an X10, I’d snatch one up in a heartbeat. You know how much fun I have with this one, don’t you?

5. Canon Lens Rebates

Canon has a huge slew of lens rebates going on right now, including $200 instant savings on the EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM lens, and $400 off the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM lens. B&H Photo is offering free shipping on most, if not all of the lenses. Check out what lenses and Speedlites are included.


December 17, 2012
See this post
6 Super Holiday Camera & Lens Deals